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Maria Daines: MUSIC


(Maria Daines/Paul Killington)
June 14, 2009

Bonnie, before, March 2009

Bonnie, after, June 2009

A song inspired by Bonnie (Boney Fingers) a little dog who was almost starved to death and who was luckily rescued in Greece just in time to save her life.

Bonnie's rescuer's wrote a report about her story and I read it on the way to the Greek Animal Rescue sponsored dog walk in June 2009.

'I was preparing for a funeral' is a line from the story where Bonnie's saviour took her in but did not expect her to live very long, such was Bonnie's condition of frailty at that time.

Bonnie's rescuer's wrote that during the first week all they could do was encourage her to eat tiny amounts and leave her quietly to rest. Then one day they went to feed her and they found Bonnie standing up on her weak little legs wagging her tail.

This is why we must care for there is always hope where there is love.

Yes, this song is hard hitting because animal cruelty hurts my heart and I cannot allow it to continue without fighting back in song.

Of course there are many wonderful Greek people and there are many wonderful animal rescuer's amongst them. I applaud those people wholeheartedly and I hope they will always be able to carry out their vital work of saving lives.

But in Greece there are also many people who do not think animals matter. These are the people I wish to reach with the message in this song.

It is imperative the Greek government implements animal welfare laws in order to end the suffering of thousands of helpless animals.

I hope through the efforts of those that care we might be able to bring to light the myriad cases of animal abuse in Greece.

In civilised society animals must always have a voice and we must strive to end suffering wherever it is prevalent.

Hope is a small word but it makes a big differnce.

This is what this song is about.

Best wishes

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Greek Tragedy

I was preparing for a funeral
The day we brought you in
We called you Boney Fingers
You were Lazarus, sores and skin
We didn't think you'd make it
So many don't pull through
It's just so hard to take it
The pain of dogs like you

Greece why don't you listen
Are your people cold as stone?
Don't you see the devastation?
Poor creatures skin and bone
Don't you hear the cries of pity
Don't you care how many die?
From shore to land to city
They are killed before your eyes

And people try to save them
But you block their every move
You poison, starve and maim them
Uneducated, cruel
There is no other reason
It's there for all to see
Yet you profit from tourist season
While your dogs hang from the trees

You seem to have no conscience
No mercy, kindness, care
While some pick up the pieces
Greece fails animals by law
It's time to end your ignorance
It's time to become humane
There is no excuse for indifference
While they die in vain

If I had a travel ticket
Well I wouldn't go to Greece
I'd do anything to avoid it
Until the animals have a voice...

© Maria Daines/Paul Killington
All Rights Reserved
(mcps) ASCAP

Grekisk Tragedi

Jag förberedde mig för en begravning
Den dagen vi tog dig till oss
Vi kallade dig Boney Fingers
Du var sårig och mager
Vi trodde inte du skulle klara dig
Det är så många som inte klarar sig
Det är så svårt att ta det
Hundar som du, som lider

Grekland, varför lyssnar du inte
Är ditt folk kallt som sten?
Ser du inte förödelsen?
De stackars varelserna av skinn och ben
Hör du inte ropen efter medlidande
Bryr du dig inte om hur många som dör?
Från kust till land till stad
Dödas de inför dina ögon

Folk försöker rädda dem
Men du hindrar deras försök
Du förgiftar, svälter och lemlästar dem
Obildat, grymt
Det finns ingen annan orsak
Det finns där så alla kan se det
Men ändå går du med vinst under turistsäsongen
Medan dina hundar hänger från träden

Du verkar inte ha något samvete
Ingen barmhärtighet, vänlighet, omtanke
Medan vissa försöker hjälpa
Sviker Grekland djuren
Det är dags att stoppa din okunnighet
Det är dags att bli human
Det finns inga ursäkter för likgiltighet
Medan de dör förgäves

Om jag hade en resebiljett
Så skulle jag inte åka till Grekland
Jag skulle göra allt för att undvika det
Tills djuren har en talan...

/Översatt av Marie-Louise Anekrans

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