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Maria Daines: MUSIC


(Maria Daines/Paul Killington)
August 28, 2006

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Please sign this important petition -


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Some time ago, Daniela, an animal advocate from Romania, sent us information about the plight of stray dogs in her country. The pictures and stories we received were distressing and it is obvious their plight is desperate and their suffering immense. Over the course of the next few months we kept in touch with Daniela and decided to write a song to highlight this issue.

Whilst there are very few good shelters in Romania there are several organisations dedicated to saving the lives of homeless dogs and they work tirelessly to raise funds and awareness so standards of welfare can be improved by means of providing food, medical treatment and spay and neuter programmes which assist Romanian rescue volunteers to help as many dogs as they can and to prevent the stray dog population increasing.



'Abandonati in Romania'

Abandonati intr-un oras din Romania
Si peste tot in jur miros de moarte
Nu se ofera mila in Romania
Tu vei fi norocos sa primesti ce-a mai ramas

Sintem multi, sintem putini cei care sintem iubiti
Sintem ignorati, raniti, suntem pierduti
Nu exista nimic si nimeni pentru noi
dind din coada ne bucuram inca, pentru ca noi sintem increzatori

Sunt doar un caine pe strazile Romaniei
Am fost nefericit de-atitea ori pina acum
Resemnat astept in umbra durerea
Lovitura de ranga sau arma mortala.

Am vazut raul, am vazut lucruri pe care tu n-ar trebui sa le vezi vreodata
Oamenii sint liberi sa ne produca suferinta
Noi asteptam si speram, si slabi
Nu sintem doriti pe nici o strada din Romania

Sunt doar un caine pe strazile Romaniei
Am fost nefericit de-atitea ori pina acum
Resemnat astept in umbra durerea
Lovitura de ranga sau arma mortala.

De ce nu-ti pasa de mine?
nu vezi, eu nu pot sa-ti fac rau,
Romania, te rog asculta-mi ruga
Noi suntem inimi pline de speranta libertatii….

Suntem niste bieti caini pe strazile Romaniei
Am fost nefericiti de-atitea ori pina acum
Resemnati asteptam in umbra durerea
Lovitura de ranga sau arma mortala.
In spatele fiecarei carti postale din Romania
Suntem noi, cei franti, damnati, cei morti
Nealinati, nedoriti, uitati
Romania, de ce lasi sa se intimple asta?

'Abandoned in Romania'

Abandoned in a city in Romania
And all around the smell of death...
Pity isn't offered in Romania
You'll be lucky if you get what's left

We are many, we are few who are loved....
We are shunned, we are hurt, we are lost
There is nothing and no one for us
Yet we still wag our tails for we trust

I'm just a dog on the streets of Romania
I've been kicked around so many times before
I hide in the shadows for pain to come
The beat of a stick or the killing gun

I've seen evil, I've seen things you should never see...
There are people who will hurt us for free
We are waiting and hoping, and weak
We're not wanted on any Romanian street

I'm just a dog on the streets of Romania
I've been kicked around so many times before
I hide in the shadows for pain to come
The beat of a stick or the killing gun

Why do you not care for me?
I can't hurt you don't you see?
Romania, please hear my plea
We are hearts full of hope to be free...

We're just the dogs on the streets of Romania
We've been kicked around so many times before
We hide in the shadows for pain to come
The beat of a stick or the killing gun
We're the broken the damned and the dead
Behind every postcard you send
Untended, unwanted, untamed
Romania where is your shame?

© Maria Daines/Paul Killington
All Rights Reserved
ASCAP (mcps/prs)